Case studies

We have a number various independent Papers and case studies performed by industry consultants and Council engineers/operators as listed below.

Please contact For Earth for access to reports.

  1. Sewage Oxidation lagoon sludge reduction using For Earth diffused aeration and Bacteria dosing system. Report by independent Consultant
  2. Sludge holding pond at IDEA Sewage plant: sludge reduction using For Earth diffused aeration and bacteria dosing system. Report by Council Manager and Operator.
  3. Sewage Oxidation lagoon Nitrogen reduction using For Earth diffused aeration and Bacteria dosing system. Report by Water Corp staff.
  4. Nitrogen reduction in activated sludge sewage plant using For Earth bacteria product. Report by Council Engineer.
  5. Nitrogen reduction and sludge volume reduction in activated sludge sewage plant using For Earth bacteria product. Report by Operator

Below: Treated Waste Activated Sludge (left) using For Earth biological products and diffused aeration. Up to 70% volume reduction and faster drying/dewater periods

Treated waste activated sludge