Case studies
We have a number various independent Papers and case studies performed by industry consultants and Council engineers/operators as listed below.
Please contact For Earth for access to reports.
- Sewage Oxidation lagoon sludge reduction using For Earth diffused aeration and Bacteria dosing system. Report by independent Consultant
- Sludge holding pond at IDEA Sewage plant: sludge reduction using For Earth diffused aeration and bacteria dosing system. Report by Council Manager and Operator.
- Sewage Oxidation lagoon Nitrogen reduction using For Earth diffused aeration and Bacteria dosing system. Report by Water Corp staff.
- Nitrogen reduction in activated sludge sewage plant using For Earth bacteria product. Report by Council Engineer.
- Nitrogen reduction and sludge volume reduction in activated sludge sewage plant using For Earth bacteria product. Report by Operator
Below: Treated Waste Activated Sludge (left) using For Earth biological products and diffused aeration. Up to 70% volume reduction and faster drying/dewater periods