Anyone that works in the wastewater, waste removal/collection or animal farming industry knows that odour is a major issue with Government regulatory bodies. Industry has strict guidelines and regular boundary odour audits have to be below allowable levels or fines and penalties are issued.
Odour generally occurs from the waste putrefying, which emanates foul odours that drift into residential areas.
By using For Earth products these odours will be reduced below regulatory limits in very short time frames.
Wastewater Odours
For Earth Bio Plus ®
Dosed into inflows and surface sprayed.
Application Type
Sewage Pump Stations, WWTP, Landfill Leachate ponds, Wetlands
Airborne Odours - Aerosols
For Earth Odour Kill ®
Misted or fogged - recommend Tecpro.com.au products
Application Type
Composting, Landfills, Grease Traps, Drains, Vents, Rubbish
Potable Water Odours
For Earth Diffused aeration
Application Type
Tanks, Dams, Ponds