For Earth Low Energy Aeration
For Earth micro-bubble aeration diffuser – 0.25mm pore size.
- High DO efficiency
- Low Energy required – Capital payback with energy savings generally within 12 - 18 months.
- Adaptable to ponds and tank systems
- Low maintenance – Annual high pressure clean of diffuser
- Diffusers have ten year plus life span.
Sample Projects
Water Treatment Plant
Aeration of Water Treatment Plant holding tank to increase dissolved oxygen levels.
Client feedback
The dissolved oxygen levels in the tank increased from 55% to 88% within 15 minutes of the installation. After a further hour it increased to 98%. Checked Tuesday morning after continuous operation DO at 96%.
Food Processing Plant
Aeration of water storage tank to reduce chlorine levels prior to use.
National Park
Aeration of wastewater tanks to improve treatment and reduce odours.
Food Processor
Energy Saving solution.
Sewage Treatment
Primary aeration – energy saving solution.
Sewage Treatment
Aeration of catch balance tank to reduce algae and improve water quality discharge.
Sewage Treatment
Aeration of sludge holding tank for biological sludge reduction, odour control and phosphorus uptake.
Pump Station Aeration
Raise Dissolved Oxygen levels to prevent septicity in rising mains and reduce odours.
Aeration of leachate collection dams for odour control and water quality improvement.