For Earth specialise in the following waste water treatment processes.
- Biological sludge removal
- Biological septicity treatment
- Biological algae control
- Biological nutrient removal
- Biological odour control
- Low energy aeration systems
For Earth Supply a range of Bacteria products to target specific waste water from residential and industrial sources. Each For Earth biological product contains large volumes of selected natural occurring bacteria that target specific organic waste types. The products bacteria are selected to improve the BNR process of your waste water treatment system. By dosing our bacteria product into your anaerobic, anoxic or aerobic zones you will achieve improved Nitrogen or phosphorus reductions and reduce biological solids within the plant. Our products come in liquid form with a 24 month shelf life and have proven to be an essential tool for any waste water plant operator.
For Earth low energy aeration is designed to complement our bacteria range of products which contain strict aerobe and facultative anaerobes. Our aeration is also very energy efficient and adaptable to any waste water retention area. The aeration is floated on the surface with diffused air set at sub surface levels creating an aerobic surface zone. The aeration is used in many innovative solutions as listed below.
- Converting anaerobic sludge storage lagoons into aerobic sludge digesters. Significantly reducing sludge loads on plants.
- Aerating tertiary pond discharge areas to promote biological phosphorus uptake and polishing of final water.
- Aerating of sludge storage lagoons to promote phosphorus uptake and contain P within the lagoon
- Aerating odorous waste water ponds/tanks to eliminated odour.
- Aeration to reduce algae issues
- Replacing high energy consuming mechanical aeration.
For Earth work closely with each client to develop a biological solution for overloaded and poorly designed waste
water retention systems. We liaise with EPA, Councils and Consultants to assist clients with their projects. For Earth
have many proven successes in various industries which have unique waste water issues to deal with.
Your Industry has a For Earth solution;
Most STP’s are under serious stress from overloading. Many were designed for smaller populations and less industry waste water. General consensus with Council staff is that the quality of modern day influent is very detrimental to having high volumes of quality bacteria occurring naturally to deal with the loading in their plant and ponds. For Earth have developed methods to deal with common STP problems such as Algae, biological desludging, digesters, aeration, odour, improving discharged water quality etc. These solutions can be adapted to your current systems and are low cost and energy efficient.
LANDFILLS – Waste Recovery Centres
For Earth are successfully treating leachate water from landfill sites. We are developing the ‘wet landfill system’ which recycles treated leachate to the landfill face to biologically accelerate the treatment and breakdown of the landfill and odour elimination. The process is being used on open and capped landfills.
For Earth have developed onsite pre-treatment systems that reduce organic loadings considerably for discharged
treated water to sewerage. Loads based charging for discharged waste water will be introduced Australia wide and these
charges will increase forcing management to improve/implement on site pre-treatment systems. For Earth have simply low
cost solutions that can be adapted to existing systems or developed from scratch. Funding is available.
Other areas of For Earth expertise;
- Soil Bioremediation
- Landfill leachate water
- Septic & Grease trap
- Composting
- Saleyards and truck wash systems
- Golf Courses
- Wetland, Aquifer systems
- Bio Reactor systems
- Algae
- Lakes & Ponds

Activated Sludge Course
7th - 11th July 2014
Mantra Mooloolaba Beach (Sunshine Coast QLD)
and University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs
This is a University accredited course aimed at people working in the wastewater industry as operators,
scientists or managers, who wish to have a working knowledge or troubleshooting and process optimisation of activated
and biological nutrient removal systems. The course is unique in that it provides fundamental knowledge of the
between biochemical, microbiological and engineering design and operational aspects of the process.